Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Type Inference in c# 3.5



One of the new language features added in c# 3.0 type inference. its look like a variant data type in vb. But it is not as same as variant in vb. What is type inference is?

Consider the following statements



int i=10;


is equal to


var i=10;


the compiler  determines what the type of variable is by the value of the variable is initialized to.


In the second statement variable is not declared as int. but it is taken as int because the integer value 10 is assigned to int.


The compiler will take it as int, as long as it in scope.


The variable is here still strongly typed. The var key is valid inside a method.


we can not declare class –wide variables with var keywords. the variables declared with var keyword can not have its initial Value as null and also value cannot be a lambda expression, anonymous method or method group (without a cast). For the variables which are declared with var keyword the compile-time type of the value is used for the type of the variable and any further uses of the variable are only checked against the type determined by the initial declaration and assignment.


Sample program:

Using System;


Class VarSample


static void Main(String[] args)



var item=”idli”;

var price=10;

var isFood=true;


Type itemType=item.GetType();

Type priceType=price.GetType();

Type isFoodType=isFood.GetType();


Console.WriteLine(“item is type of  “+itemType.ToString());

Console.WriteLine(“price is type of “+priceType.ToString());

Console.WriteLine(“isFood is type of “+isFoodType.ToString());








Item is type of System.String

Price is type of System.Int32

isFood is type of System.Bool









Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Value types and reference types in c#.



C# has two different categories of data type:


  1. value types
  2. Reference types.


Value types in c# stores its value directly, where as reference type stores a reference to a value.

There are simple types of variables in c# like integer and float. These are simply value type .Reference types are similar to types accessed through pointers in c++.


These two different types of variables stored in different places in memory. Value types are stored in stack memory, and reference types are stored in managed heap memory. Value and reference types assignment has different effects.

Consider x and y are type of int





now x and y will have the value 10.

 Now we change x=20;


The change in x will not affect the value in y. y will retain the old vale 10.

Because int is a value type, x and y are different locations in memory. .


Now consider rectangle as reference type:


Rectangle r1,r2;


r1=new Rectangle();








Above statement will print the output as:




Now consider the following change.






The above statement will give the output as:




After executing the following line



 There will be only one Rectangle object in memory . r1 and r2 both point to this Rectangle  memory. Because r1 and r2 are variables of reference types declaring each variable just makes a reference. It doesn’t instantiate object . because r1 and r2 refer to the same object , changes made to r1 will affect r2 and vice versa.


In c# basic data type bool is also  value type. In c# most complex data types including classes are reference type.